Questions To Ask Before Adopting A Dog


To have a happy home and a happy dog, it’s critical to choose a pet that fits your needs and also the realities of what your household can accommodate. Here are 8 questions to consider as you decide what kind of dog you want:

1. What is your main requirement from a dog?
If it’s important for your dog to help protect the household, make that a priority. Consider sticking with one of the bigger or more aggressive breeds that are known to make good guard dogs. If you are looking for a companion to sit in your lap, select a small breed of dog like a Chihuahua or Pomeranian.

2. What kind of family environment do you have?
If you have small children, for example, make sure to choose a dog that is less likely to react negatively if startled by noise or poked by little kids. Consider choosing a breed that has a calm nature and socializes well with children such as golden retrievers, collies, pugs and boxers. Other breeds like the Dalmatian and Kerry blue terrier are less tolerant to the excitement that comes with kids running around. If you have other pets, you want to select a dog that gets along with other animals. If you live alone, and have no other pets in your home, these questions may not be as important.

Nutty Dalmatian Woman Sees Spots…. Everywhere!

nutty dalmation women

Karen Ferrier, 44, moved out of her family home leaving a room full of the mugs, magnets, suitcases, Easter eggs and toilet paper she had collected over 17 years.She left behind a wardrobe full of spotty sunglasses, shoes, hats and ear muffs and the spotty clothes she wore to work in honour of her dalmatian dog Ditto

The secretary now needs to sell her collection, which is worth about £1,200, because she has moved into a caravan in Wimborne, Dorset, and does not have space.Karen started to collect all things spotty after buying Ditto as a puppy.

She hoarded thousands of items in her house in Southampton, Hants, and had to put other items in storage because her friends bought her so many dalmatian-themed gifts.She has now lost count of exactly how many spotty items she owns but estimates it is around 3,500.Her ‘fetish’ with spots went so far she even got her husband Chess to paint black spots on her white Fiesta and her white Smart car.